[Solved] DAW Integration?

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    I’m a music producer and was wondering if anyone has tried the Tobii EyeX with DAW’s? I use ableton live. Was wondering how accurate it is with Ableton and 3rd party plugins? Can settings be adjusted to make it accurate enough to work in a DAW such as Ableton with small knobs that are close together? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @digitt,

    The EyeX Tracker itself cannot be configured to operate over smaller areas as the size over which areas can be accurately tracked is a biological not a technological limitation.

    However, there are a few possible workarounds you might consider such as using a magnifier windows alongside your application.

    Additionally, you might be able to adjust the GUI settings of the application to display larger buttons.

    You should bear in mind that the Tobii EyeX is not designed for complete replacement to traditional input methods (such as mice and keyboard) but rather to work in tandem with it. That being said, there are a number of application such as Project IRIS (http://iris.xcessity.at/) which might help you in using the EyeX for controlling windows applications.


    Thank you very much Grant ๐Ÿ™‚

    My goal is to use the Tobii EyeX with this piece of hardware in my DAW (Ableton):

    I checked out IRIS, and it looks great. As you can see from the video above, I don’t need to even click, can just use it to move my mouse cursor to the knob i want and use the “Nob” hardware to adjust my parameters.

    Grant, I see you are from Tobii. Would Tobii or xcessity be able to make a video to show IRIS and Tobii EyeX being used in Ableton Live? If it works I will certainly buy it!

    Thank you very much

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