Home Forums Software Development Developing eyex using micorsoft windows 10 iot core

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    I want to develop using windows 10 iot core.
    But an error occurs.
    If you use .NET SDK, you need .NETCORE SDK.
    How can we solve it?
    Thank you for your help.

    my email: [email protected]

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @kwakminwoo, I assume you are trying to use the Gaze interaction SDK with either the Tobii EyeX or C4 Eye Tracker?

    This being the case, you should not necessarily need .NETCORE SDK but a cursory glance on the internet reveals it a product easily installed.

    Perhaps if you could kindly be more specific in your intentions and working environment I can provide more assistance.

    Have you already installed the Visual Studio? This should take care of any necessary dependencies on your system.


    I have already installed visual studio.
    I installed windows 10 iot core on raspberry pie 3.
    I want to run eyex on windows 10 iot core instead of window 10.
    However, the eyex sdk will only run in the visual studio under window 10.
    The eyex sdk will not run in the universal project of visual studio.
    I get an error that the eyex sdk is not supported by .NETCORE.

    my email: [email protected]

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @kwakminwoo, apologies for the delay in response. I can in fact now confirm that the EyeX SDK does not support .NETCORE under raspberry Pi. Sorry for the bad news, I hope you can continue to use our product as intended with Visual Studio on Windows 10.


    hello, I am installing an application in UWP in visual studio when installing it in my windows iot in raspberry does not recognize the tobii sensor my question is it necessary to have the sdk installed or are the necessary dependencies imported in the installation package?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @robertolorenzo4 and thanks for your query. I am afraid that for the time being, the Tobii UWP API does not support Windows IOT running with Raspberry.
    Our apologies for any inconvenience.

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