Home Forums Software Development eye tracking doesnt work in standalone version of my unity project

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    ashkan mohseni

    i have written a script which makes use of gazePointDataComponent, basically i have a cube which follows my gaze. it works inside unity but when i build a standalone, it doesnt work and it doesnt matter whether the windows is full-screen or windowed.

    ashkan mohseni

    I also have the Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll in the same directory as my .exe file

    ashkan mohseni

    but im not sure if i have the Microsoft Visual C run-time libraries, version 110. i tried to find it online but no luck

    ashkan mohseni

    also i have Microsoft Visual C run-time libraries, version 110

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Ashkan,

    What version of Unity are you using? We have seen a problem when using Unity 5 on a 64bit system, and then build a 32 bit standalone – for some reason the 64 bit version of the Tobii EyeX client dll gets copied to the output folder instead of the 32 bit version. In this situation you have to copy the client dll with the correct bitness to the target folder manually. We have not found a way to make this work right automatically with the build scripts included in the EyeX SDK package – it seems Unity is doing something magic behind the scenes here – redirecting or using a copy of the dll used in the editor – we don’t know.

    EDIT 21 Dec 2015: This issue was tracked down to a bug in our editor script. It has been resolved in EyeX SDK for Unity 1.6.


    http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PluginsForDesktop.html says:

    On Windows and Linux, plugins can be managed manually (e.g, before building a 64-bit player, you copy the 64-bit library into the Assets/Plugins folder, and before building a 32-bit player, you copy the 32-bit library into the Assets/Plugins folder) OR you can place the 32-bit version of the plugin in Assets/Plugins/x86 and the 64-bit version of the plugin in Assets/Plugins/x86_64. By default the editor will look in the architecture-specific sub-directory first, and if that directory does not exist, it will copy plugins from the root Assets/Plugins folder instead.

    So Tobii could do some restructuring of its assets.

    While you are at it, note that it is possible to structure like this:


    This is much cleaner and tidier. It would mean that Tobii’s stuff is all contained.

    That’s what I use. And I put my own tracking scripts into Assets/Tobii/


    Jenny [Tobii]

    @p-i: Not sure what you mean by “Tobii could do some restructuring of its assets”. We are using the exact structure proposed in that Unity documentation: The EyeX Client 32 bit and 64 bit dll’s are put in Assets/Plugins/x86 and Assets/Plugins/x86_64 respectively.


    Sorry, I wrote without first checking.
    But you would still do well to contain your three folders (Plugins Editor EyeXFramework) within a single Tobii folder — much tidier! A lot of Unity developers don’t realise it is possible to nest Plugins and Editor folders — i.e. they do not need to be at root level.


    Jenny [Tobii]

    @p-i: Aha, I didn’t know Unity allowed nesting the folders per default. I’ll bring the suggestion to the rest of the team for consideration.

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