Home Forums Feature Requests EyeX SDK for Android?


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  • #1758
    Andrew Little

    Wondering if there are plans/dates for a release of the high-level EyeX SDK for Android? Soon starting a product for Android and would like to avoid building against the low-level Gaze SDK if possible.



    Robert [Tobii]

    Hi Andrew,

    Tobii has no concrete plans of building a high-level EyeX SDK for Android in the short term. I know there are others who would be interested in such a library for Android, so there is probably room for some sort of open source project. For Android there are standardized ways to read the window content (for example with an Accessibility Service) and you do not need to care about overlapping windows, so the implementation will most likely be more straight-forward than on Windows.

    Good luck with your project! Please let us and the community know how it goes.

    Andrew Little

    Thanks for the quick response!

    So to clarify, the next steps for me would be to write a little C++ wrapper that surfaces the Tobii Gaze C-API through JNI and then start calling the wrapper from my Android app? i.e. what is described in this post… http://kvurd.com/blog/compiling-a-cpp-library-for-android-with-android-studio/

    Robert [Tobii]

    Yes, something like that. Another option for the wrapping part is to use SWIG.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Apologies for any inconvenience, however the Gaze SDK introduced many issues and we are working on introducing similar functionality in forthcoming EyeX SDK releases.

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