Home Forums Software Development Head tracking in UE4 and #include error

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    I have been working with eye tracker 4C in UE4.
    It works good really heappy with the result 🙂 But I would like to add Head tracking to it. When will this be added in the blueprints?
    I was thinking to take a look at the c++ code maybe pull it directly from there but when I use #include <IEyeXPlugin.h> I get the error: cannot open source file IEyeXplugin. What am I doing wrong at the c++ side?
    I added TobiiEyeX in the build.cs and
    RuntimeDependencies.Add(new RuntimeDependency(“$(ProjectDir)/Plugins/TobiiEyeX/ThirdParty/EyeX/lib/x64/Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll”));
    To the build.cs to make builds.
    And also would I like to know when will there be a 4.14 / 4.15 release? 🙂
    Thanks in advance so far happy with the results.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @stefancg, thank you for the positive feedback, very good to hear!

    We hope to have head tracking implemented in a future SDK version so please continue to check back here for regular updates and news of forthcoming releases. For the time being, the functionality is not available in current SDK release which might explain the issue you have been having.


    So I cannot use c++ with this plugin? Because in your documentation it says use #include <IEyeXPlugin.h> to use the plugin in c++. So the whole library is only available in blueprints but not in my c++ scripts?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi, sorry I’m not sure what you mean.. we have a c++ variant of the EyeX SDK ready to go out of the box.. are you having some issue in starting the included examples?


    I’m using Unreal Engine 4. Unreal Engine 4 works with c++. When I do the default #include funtion from c++ it gives me the error: cannot open source file IEyeXplugin.
    Why does it give me this error? I removed the protection from the file it self but still gives me this error. Am I posting it in the wrong section about programming problems?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @stefancg, my apologies for the delay in reply I was waiting on some internal feedback. Most seemed to think this was an issue in properly establishing the paths during runtime.. Can you confirm if you still experience the problem and how your paths are setup? Many thanks.


    I’m still having the issue. I just imported the plugin and it works. But when I do #include <IEyeXPlugin.h> it get’s red and says cannot open source file. But it compilse fine but keeps saying in visual studio that it cannot open. So all my functions that I want to use from your plugin are giving errors in visual studio but compile fine in ue4. With this it is really annoying to program because I need to compile every code part to chek and debugging is annoying. and path setup?
    D:\3D\UE4Projects\EyeTrackingMenu\Plugins\TobiiEyeX is my project file located / plugin.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Stefan, If you could either provide us the source code to test against or a full decription of the error reported, I will try to get some further answers for you.

    Alex [Tobii]
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