Home Forums Game Integration [Solved] ISE Fails to start with "could not initialize".. where is the logfile

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  • #4641
    Dirk Krüger


    I got my device today and all seamed to work fine, exept for the Infite Screen Extention (ISE).
    The engine works fine in the tray as well as demos. But when I start up the ISE it fails with “Could not initialze Infinte Screen Extension. Try to reinstall…. Further details could be found in the log.”

    I did try to reinstall. The installation Problem had no errors.
    I did try to install a new version of vjoy (
    I did try to start the ISE.GUI as Admin but same error.

    But the statup still shows the same error.

    I did not find that log-file. however there is a ISE Process Montior that shows
    {“ProcessEventType”:0,”ProcessInfo”:{“Id”:9692,”MainModulePath”:”C:\\Program Files\\WIDCOMM\\Bluetooth Software\\BTTray.exe”,”Name”:”BTTray”},”Timestamp”:”\/Date(1457048183835)\/”}
    {“ProcessEventType”:0,”ProcessInfo”:{“Id”:11372,”MainModulePath”:”C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Tobii\\Tobii InfiniteScreen\\Tobii.Oem.Gaming.InfiniteScreen.ProcessMonitor.exe”,”Name”:”Tobii.Oem.Gaming.InfiniteScreen.ProcessMonitor”},”Timestamp”:”\/Date(1457048183839)\/”}
    Seams only a list of runnuig processes

    Where would I find the LOG file ?

    Dirk Krüger

    Seams the logfile is created with the Collect Diagnostic Data in the Tobii Help section–> about–>trouble shoot..

    There I found in the Folder TObii Interaction a InfintieSceen<date>.txt
    the following lines

       bei Tobii.Oem.Gaming.InfiniteScreen.Gui.CaliburnBootstrapper..ctor()
       bei Tobii.Oem.Gaming.InfiniteScreen.Gui.App.Main()
    2016-03-04 01:17:15,539 [1] INFO Version: Tobii.Oem.Gaming.Common.ProcessMonitorIpc - 
    Process monitor started.
    2016-03-04 01:17:15,859 [1] ERROR Version: Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException - 
    An exception was thrown while invoking the constructor 'Void .ctor(System.Func
    2[Tobii.Oem.Gaming.InfiniteScreen.Core.AbsoluteHidMapperSettings,Tobii.Oem.Gaming.InfiniteScreen.Core.VJoyAbsoluteHidMapper], Tobii.Oem.Gaming.InfiniteScreen.Core.ISettingsSerializer, Tobii.Oem.Gaming.Common.IProcessEventSource, Tobii.Oem.Gaming.Common.Statistics.IUsageStatisticsRecorder)' on type 'EuroTruckSimulator2'. ---> An exception was thrown while invoking the constructor 'Void .ctor()' on type 'VJoy'. ---> Unable to acquire VJoyDevice. (See inner exception for details.) (See inner exception for details.)
    2016-03-04 01:17:15,861 [1] ERROR Version: Tobii.Oem.Gaming.InfiniteScreen.Gui.App - 
    Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException: An exception was thrown while invoking the constructor 'Void .ctor(System.Func
    2[Tobii.Oem.Gaming.InfiniteScreen.Core.AbsoluteHidMapperSettings,Tobii.Oem.Gaming.InfiniteScreen.Core.VJoyAbsoluteHidMapper], Tobii.Oem.Gaming.InfiniteScreen.Core.ISettingsSerializer, Tobii.Oem.Gaming.Common.IProcessEventSource, Tobii.Oem.Gaming.Common.Statistics.IUsageStatisticsRecorder)' on type 'EuroTruckSimulator2'. ---> An exception was thrown while invoking the constructor 'Void .ctor()' on type 'VJoy'. ---> Unable to acquire VJoyDevice. (See inner exception for details.) (See inner exception for details.) ---> Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException: An exception was thrown while invoking the constructor 'Void .ctor()' on type 'VJoy'. ---> Unable to acquire VJoyDevice. (See inner exception for details.) ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to acquire VJoyDevice.
       bei Tobii.Oem.Gaming.InfiniteScreen.Core.Utils.InfiniteScreenVJoyUtility.AcquireDeviceNumber()

    Seams the ISE has trouble to find the vJOY installtaion…
    However in the Win10 Systemstettings there are Vjoys Installed..

    Dirk Krüger

    What I did try from here:
    uninstall vjoy 2.1.16 and reinstalled vjoy 2.0.5 (as mentioned in some other forum post) : no effect
    hence EURO Truck Simulator 2 is mentioned in the log I did delete the game from steam : no effect
    reinstalled EURO Truck Simulator 2 : no effect
    deinstalled ISE (that name sill confuses me with the Powershell UI ISE) deinstall all vjoy and reinstalled all : no effect
    Started ISE as Admin and non- Admin user : no effect

    Dirk Krüger

    Reading more though the Logfile its seams that during the Procedure Main of the ISE it is “Unable to acquire VJoyDevice”
    I did check my Vjoy instllation by installing the Demos that comes during the installation. (Even it is not recomended)
    There are two pices of software that come along with the VJoy Driver. One is to see the Output of the buttons and one that can send data to the Vjoy Driver. Just to make it short it seams the VjoyDrive works fine on my system when checking with those Tools/Demos.
    I’m just not shure why ISE can’t access the Driver/Vitual Device or how I can point the ISE to it…


    I just recently helped out with a very similar support case. The problem was that while VJoy installed successfully, ISE could not (for reasons unknown) automatically create a VJoy-device through vJoyConfig. I solved the problem by manually creating a vJoy device and pointing ISE to it.

    Follow these instructions step by step:
    1. Launch “Configure vJoy” (vJoyConf.exe).
    2. Make sure the “Enable vJoy” checkbox in the bottom left corner is checked (if it’s present).
    3. Click “Reset all”.
    4. Select the number 2 tab (the number of the tab must match the value of the “/d”-switch in step 10).
    5. Click “Add Device”.
    6. Uncheck all checkboxes under “Axes” except X and Y.
    7. Set “Number of Buttons” to 0.
    8. Click “Apply”.
    9. Close the application.
    10. Press Win+R, type “REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Tobii\InfiniteScreen /v vJoyDeviceNumber /t REG_SZ /d 2” and press Enter (press “y” and Enter if “Value vJoyDeviceNumber exists, overwrite(Yes/No)?” shows up).
    11. Launch ISE.
    12. Report the outcome in this thread :).

    Good luck!

    Dirk Krüger

    Issue solved!.

    Tobii EyeX work’s flawless now.. I might do some showcases in german now on YouTube.

    I suggest a Trouble – Support SUb forum here. Since I was not shure where to post beginners tech issues like this here. After all the forum topic did sound more like a “how to develop for new games”.

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