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  • #6626
    Sad Hombres


    We’re four students from the University of Applied Science Upper Austria – Hagenberg and created a fun, little game incorporating eye-tracking technology from Tobii.
    Sadly it is not really accessible for the general public since it was developed for a permanent installation at the ARS Electronica. But none the less we wanted to present it to you, make check out this video of our game: Medusa’s Lair – YouTube

    Medusa’s Lair is not a simple video game, it’s an experience which takes the players back in time into the bodies of the heroes of ancient Greece.

    It’s a game which challenges body and mind through an innovative combination of position- and eye-tracking.

    The players slip into the role of ancient Greek heroes trying to evade the deadly gaze of Medusa. The mythological setting is communicated through beautiful hand drawn graphics and Greek sounds which accompany the three levels.

    Medusa's Lair Titlescreen

    Medusa's Lair Gameplay Screenshot

    Medusa's Lair Characters

    Greetings from Austria,
    – Sad Hombres

    Sad Hombres

    Some Screenshots:




    Barry Phelps

    Finally, I discovered something useful for my paper to write about. that is fascinating and helps me with more research in the future.

    Nic Zuraw

    Would love to try this – nice work

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