Home Forums Software Development problem with NuGet packets in visual studio 2017

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    I’m trying to design an interactive book using C# and tobii EyeTracker,
    At the begining I didn’t had any problem but at some point I had to re install visual studio and then I couldn’t use NuGet packets anymore in my project.
    specially tobii.EyeX.Framework and tobii.EyeX.Client
    the error message I get says

    Non è stato possibile installare il pacchetto ‘Tobii.EyeX.Client 1.8.503’. Si sta tentando di eseguire l’installazione in un progetto destinato a ‘.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1’, ma il pacchetto non contiene riferimenti ad assembly o file di dati compatibili con il framework. Per altre informazioni, contattare l’autore del pacchetto.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @minoo, it seems like you are still running the older EyeX SDK libraries? Please ensure you are developing against the latest Tobii Core SDK Interaction API for which you can try some samples program @ https://github.com/Tobii/CoreSDK

    If you follow the statup guide recommendations, https://tobii.github.io/CoreSDK/articles/getting_started.html
    this should allow to get up and running.

    Please try this out and let us know if the problem persists. If you still face problem, it would be good to know if VS2015 (for example) works OK or not. Thanks.


    my problem get solved by itself when I updated the Windows, thank you for your response

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @minoo, okay great thanks so much for providing us with an update!

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