Home Forums Software Development Record computer screen with gaze information


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    Sebastian Müller


    I’ve searched the forum and also the documentation, but I couldn’t find an explanation. Is it possible to capture the computer screen with gaze information? Basically, I want to record a screencast with the information where the user is looking at. Is this possible?

    Best regards


    Hi Sebastian,
    it’s certainly possible. There are tools for recording screencasts, and the EyeX SDK provides you with the gaze data. But there is no ready-made function that works out of the box with EyeX. Tobii offers a product for that called Tobii Studio, but it cannot be used with the EyeX Controller unfortunately.

    Sebastian Müller

    Hi Anders

    Thanks for the answer. I found a product called Gaze Viewer (http://www.tobii.com/en/assistive-technology/global/products/software/tobii-gaze-viewer/). Would this tool do the job and can it be used with EyeX?


    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Sebastian,

    The Gaze Viewer is a Tobii Assistive Technology product that only works with designated Tobii Assistive Technology eye trackers. It does not work with the Tobii EyeX Controller.


    I used a free web-based application called Acethinker Screen Recorder to capture my computer screen with gaze information, works perfect, you may check it out.

    Alex [Tobii]

    You can definitely complete recording screen with gaze when your recording tool is VideoSolo Screen Recorder. It is a friendly program that enables you to record screen without watermark.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @ivylamb, that’s great! Thanks so much for the useful information.. hopefully of use to some other users 🙂


    FoneLab Screen Recorder does what you want including the recording screen with gaze. It works on both Windows and Mac.

    Grant [Tobii]

    thanks for the tip @huaying, too bad it’s paid software, but perhaps useful for those who don’t wish to use similar packages.


    Hello Sebastian,
    I’m using Joyoshare Screen Recorder to record computer screen, works well so far. You can have a try to see whether it meets your needs or not.


    Grant [Tobii]

    great! Thanks for tip @wlee2060 🙂


    could you please help
    i am trying to record eye fixation on a Blender game, that i created
    the game runs perfect but as soon as i turn on the screen recorder CompactX2 60 COMPACT -the game app performs horrible and doesnt work properly
    sending the video please have a look
    any suggestions on how to solve this? it is my master thesis project, so it matters a lot for me 🙁

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @temavrn, sorry to hear about your issues. It looks like you are using the Tobii Screen Recorder as comes with the Tobii Pro Lab Software.

    This forum is intended for support with the Tobii Tech Consumer level eye trackers (4C, Eyex, etc) and their associated SDK’s.
    Please get in touch with Tobii Pro Support team directly @ http://www.tobiipro.com/contact/contact-support/ for an answer to your query.

    That being said, if you are able to get the X2-60 to work with Tobii Ghost https://gaming.tobii.com/software/ghost/ this should allow you to use this software (designed for the consumer level of eye trackers) to create a smooth video showcasing your blender project.

    Please do try it out and let us know how you get on. Best wishes.

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