[Solved] Roll back to Tobii EyeX Software 1.x

Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices [Solved] Roll back to Tobii EyeX Software 1.x

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  • #5949
    Denis Tribouillois

    I upgraded the Tobii EyeX Software from 1.x (I don’t remember what exact version that was) to the latest 2.4.1.
    Unfortunately I want to roll back to the old 1.x version and have no installer.
    I didn’t find a link to the older versions of the software either.
    Do you know where I can download it ?
    Thanks in advance

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @denistribouillois,

    We generally do not keep older versions of the Tobii EyeX SW installer available for a number of reasons.

    Perhaps if you could let us know your reasons for doing so, we can suggest the best way to proceed.

    Denis Tribouillois


    Thank you for your answer. We use the Tobii EyeX with visually impaired people (we have a special licence agreement) and the background color and targets size/color of the eye-tracking calibration was more optimized for that specific population with the older version of the Tobii EyeX SW installer.


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @denistribouillois, thanks for the clarification.

    Due to your special circumstances, I would ask you get in touch with your contact at Tobii that provided the special licence
    agreement. They may be able to allow the dispensing of the old version, which I am afraid is something we cannot do publicly
    on this forum.

    Denis Tribouillois

    Very well, thank you.

    Martin Hague

    eyex seams to be causing some issue when plug in it come up with this symbol ll and my computer is making a ping noise, it did not happen before 2.5.0 update?? llllll done it again did not do it when not plug in or turned off please help as i cannot role back to previous version witch work!!!!

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @horseymart,

    Sorry to hear about your issues, but I need some more detail please from your end such as what type of error message and what do you mean by ping? From the ET itself?

    In any event, it is worth resetting the Tobii EyeX Settings by uninstalling the SW,
    removed the following registry entries and reinstall the Software.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE —- SOFTWARE —- WOW6432Node —- Tobii

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