Home Forums Software Development Tobii EyeX without PC monitor

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    Is there a way to use the Tobii eye tracker without the use of PC monitor like can it produce gaze coordinates without the presence of monitor? Because i am thinking of recording gaze to find out where the driver is looking while he or she is driving.

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Min,

    The Tobii EyeX Engine (and the Tobii EyeX SDK) only works with a monitor attached to the system. With the Tobii Gaze SDK, on the other hand, a monitor is not required. With the Gaze SDK you always have to write your custom screen setup and calibration procedure, and you could define a virtual screen plane. The tricky part would be to implement the calibration procedure where you have to make the user look at pre-defined points on this virtual screen plane for time intervals that are dynamic depending on how long time the eye tracker needs to collect enough data for each point. Both the EyeX SDK and the Gaze SDK are available via the Downloads page.


    Thanks for your answer.


    first of all, very interesting topic!
    I am trying to implement an eye-tracking function in a vehicle while driving, as well.
    Are there any restrictions to the size of the virtual screen plane?
    Thank you in advance for your answer

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