Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Cannot connect to eyetracker Reply To: Cannot connect to eyetracker

Brooks Brown

Okay – I believe it is fixed now, and I got beyond the eternal firmware updates.

Open device manager, and look for libusb (winusb). That’s the place tobii is at. Under that heading, Tobii Bootloader might be showing. It was for me. Right click, and uninstall it, choosing to delete the driver from the system.

Then unplug the EyeX, and wait. When it’s done, plug the eyex back in. If it shows something else under that heading, you’ve done well.

Then go into the folder itself where all your Tobii stuff is. Go here by default:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Tobii\IS3 Driver

And install that driver. AFter that, everything kicked back into high gear, lights flashed, and calibration started after a few minutes.