Home Forums Unreal Engine 4 SDK tobii_g2om.dll error Reply To: tobii_g2om.dll error


Hello Leandro,
a) I made new UE 4.21.2 c++ project in UE Launcher.
b) Add Plugins\TobiiEyetracking folders and unpack Tobii_UE4SDK_4.21.0.151.zip into that folder
c) regenerate UE project files
d) compile solution as develper editor
e) run from VS – got an error
f) run from .uproject – got an UE crash
a) I made new UE 4.21.2 BP project in UE Launcher.
b) Add Plugins\TobiiEyetracking folders and unpack Tobii_UE4SDK_4.21.0.151.zip into that folder
c) run from .uproject – got an UE crash

I use Vive pro eye