Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Specification of the Tobii EyeX Controller Reply To: Specification of the Tobii EyeX Controller

Robert [Tobii]

The Tobii EyeX Controller is an eye tracking peripheral based on Tobii’s latest hardware, targeted for consumer applications. It connects to the computer via a USB 3.0 cable. It is mounted with a slim size magnetic mount on both desktop and laptop setups.

The Tobii EyeX Controller together with well-developed applications for eye gaze interaction allows for a completely natural user experience where the user can sit, stand and move around freely.
The system provides consistent accuracy and precision for almost all users, independent of head movements, and changing light conditions over time. It has no need for regular re-calibrations and allows for a great variety of physiological factors such as eye color, ethnicity, sight correction and age.