Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices [USB] Mini-B on one side, normal USB3.0 on another side Reply To: [USB] Mini-B on one side, normal USB3.0 on another side

Joshua Haworth

I found one on newegg.. waiting on delivery, but looks right from the description. this is 12″, though, not quite as short as you say you’d like http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA2JX1MH2399&cm_re=USB_3.0_Mini_10_Pin_Male-_-9SIA2JX1MH2399-_-Product Also, they have a no cable length adapter http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1HE0YP1203&cm_re=USB_3.0_Mini_10_Pin_Male-_-0N6-003U-000R2-_-Product that might work out for you?