Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Eye Detection Indicator stuck in Initializing Reply To: Eye Detection Indicator stuck in Initializing

Carl N

Hi Vardan,

Support helped me solve this problem. The instructions I got from support were these:

Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Tobii\Service

Open command prompt:

Type: upg.exe <fw_dl_util.exe path> <h5flasher.img path> <p2b-is3_XXX-SVN.img path> <server.eyex.config/server.sentry.config path>

For example :
upg.exe fw_dl_util.exe h5flasher.img p2b-is3fw_1.1.1-30674.img

HOWEVER, make sure the last file “p2b-is3fw_1.1.1-30674” is actually called that way, you will see it in the same folder as the upg.exe, so verify that’s

What I actually typed that solved the problem for me was this:
upg.exe fw_dl_util.exe h5flasher.img p2b-is3fw_1.1.1-30674.img server.eyex.config