Home Forums Software Development eyeX framework on Unity 5 Reply To: eyeX framework on Unity 5

Patrik [Tobii]

Hello Tim and Thomas,

I’m currently working on fixing the Tobii EyeX Unity SDK to be fully compatible with Unity 5 out of the box.

In the meanwhile, the following workaround should work.

1. Start Unity and convert your old project (4.6) to 5.0.
2. Close Unity and MonoDevelop/VS
3. Create the folder Assets/Plugins/x86
4. Create the folder Assets/Plugins/x86_64
5. Remove any content in the root of Assets/Plugins
6. Copy Tobii.EyeX.Client.Net20.dll from the folder Assets/Standard Assets/EyeXFramework/lib/x86 to Assets/Plugins/x86
7. Copy Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll from the folder Assets/Standard Assets/EyeXFramework/lib/x86 to Assets/Plugins/x86
8. Copy Tobii.EyeX.Client.Net20.dll from the folder Assets/Standard Assets/EyeXFramework/lib/x64 to Assets/Plugins/x86_64
9. Copy Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll from the folder Assets/Standard Assets/EyeXFramework/lib/x64 to Assets/Plugins/x86_64
10. Remove the folder Assets/Standard Assets/EyeXFramework/lib/x86
11. Remove the folder Assets/Standard Assets/EyeXFramework/lib/x64
12. Remove the file Assets/Standard Assets/EyeXFramework/lib.meta
13. Remove the file Editor/EyeXClientLibraryDeployer.meta
14. Modify the file Editor/EyeXClientLibraryDeployer.cs to look like this:

// Copyright 2014 Tobii Technology AB. All rights reserved.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;

/// <summary>
/// Editor class for deployment of the Tobii EyeX Client library and .NET binding
/// to where they need to be. 
/// </summary>
public class EyeXClientLibraryDeployer
    private const string ClientLibraryFileName = "Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll";

    private const string Source32BitDirectory = "Assets/Plugins/x86";
    private const string Source64BitDirectory = "Assets/Plugins/x86_64";

    /// <summary>
    /// When loading the editor, copy the correct version of the EyeX client 
    /// library to the project root folder to be able to run in the editor.
    /// </summary>
    static EyeXClientLibraryDeployer()
        var targetClientLibraryPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), ClientLibraryFileName);
            if(System.IntPtr.Size == 8)

    /// <summary>
    /// After a build, copy the correct EyeX client library to the output directory. 
    /// </summary>
    public static void OnPostProcessBuild(BuildTarget target, string pathToBuiltProject)
        var targetClientLibraryPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(pathToBuiltProject), ClientLibraryFileName);
            if (target == BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows)
                if(System.IntPtr.Size == 8)
            else if (target == BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64)
                Debug.LogWarning("The Tobii EyeX Framework for Unity is only compatible with Windows Standalone builds.");

    private static void Copy32BitClientLibrary(string targetClientDllPath)
        File.Copy(Path.Combine(Source32BitDirectory, ClientLibraryFileName), targetClientDllPath, true);

    private static void Copy64BitClientLibrary(string targetClientDllPath)
        File.Copy(Path.Combine(Source64BitDirectory, ClientLibraryFileName), targetClientDllPath, true);

This worked for me (upgrading a 4.6 project to a 5.0 project), but if you encounter any problems, please let us know.

Best regards,