Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Upgrading to USB 3.0 Advice or External Cards/Hardware for Compatibility Reply To: Upgrading to USB 3.0 Advice or External Cards/Hardware for Compatibility


Hi there,
sorry to hear you’re having troubles.
Unfortunately there’s not so much I can recommend you. External USB 3.0 cards for laptops are in general very tricky as they mostly do not deliver the entire USB 3.0 bandwidth, which the Tobii EyeX actually requires. Laptops obviously have the problem that it’s not possible to upgrade or exchange hardware, very well.

Generally speaking, we do not support Mac as well as Bootcamp.
Here we had some issue which was a little related, maybe helps somehow: http://developer.tobii.com/community/forums/topic/using-eyex-in-parallels-environment/