Home Forums Software Development eye tracking doesnt work in standalone version of my unity project Reply To: eye tracking doesnt work in standalone version of my unity project


http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PluginsForDesktop.html says:

On Windows and Linux, plugins can be managed manually (e.g, before building a 64-bit player, you copy the 64-bit library into the Assets/Plugins folder, and before building a 32-bit player, you copy the 32-bit library into the Assets/Plugins folder) OR you can place the 32-bit version of the plugin in Assets/Plugins/x86 and the 64-bit version of the plugin in Assets/Plugins/x86_64. By default the editor will look in the architecture-specific sub-directory first, and if that directory does not exist, it will copy plugins from the root Assets/Plugins folder instead.

So Tobii could do some restructuring of its assets.

While you are at it, note that it is possible to structure like this:


This is much cleaner and tidier. It would mean that Tobii’s stuff is all contained.

That’s what I use. And I put my own tracking scripts into Assets/Tobii/
