Home Forums Game Integration [Solved] ISE Fails to start with "could not initialize".. where is the logfile Reply To: [Solved] ISE Fails to start with "could not initialize".. where is the logfile

Dirk Krüger

Reading more though the Logfile its seams that during the Procedure Main of the ISE it is “Unable to acquire VJoyDevice”
I did check my Vjoy instllation by installing the Demos that comes during the installation. (Even it is not recomended)
There are two pices of software that come along with the VJoy Driver. One is to see the Output of the buttons and one that can send data to the Vjoy Driver. Just to make it short it seams the VjoyDrive works fine on my system when checking with those Tools/Demos.
I’m just not shure why ISE can’t access the Driver/Vitual Device or how I can point the ISE to it…