Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Poor tracking looking up Reply To: Poor tracking looking up

Paul Matthews

Hi Grant, apologies I actually meant to respond earlier but forgot!

The issue wasnt the ultrawide, it was actually me having really poor settings set up in your launcher and after some revised numbers it now seems to be working really well on my Alienware 34″. I think the setting really are quite specific to the user, but if anyone else wants to try them I use the below:

Responsiveness – 10%
Speed – 0.72
Exponent – 2.54
Inflection Point – 0.80
Start Point – 0.00
End Point – 1.00

Headtracking (use Direct, as Dynamic doesnt seem to like my setup)
Responsiveness – 70%
Speed – 8.00
Exponent – 1.20
Inflection Point – 0.11
Start Point – 0.00
End Point – 1.00

I hope this helps someone as it really is the closest you can get to VR for immersion, but also keep the great graphical fidelity 🙂

Also Grant is there any word on X4 Foundations getting tobii eye support? It sounds like it has Track IR support so it sounds like a good candidate

