Home Forums Unity SDK XR SDK causes compile errors in Vive Input Utility

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  • #14260

    I just tried to import the TobiiXR Unity SDK version into a project where I use the Vive Input Utility and got multiple compile errors. THey are different types of errors like ‘Cannot convert from … to Unity.Transform’ and ‘xxx does not contains a definition for… Are you missing a using directive’.

    Since one of them explicitly mentioned the TobiiXR/Examples folder (see error text below) I removed the exmaple folder and then the errors were gone.

    So apparently there is something wrong in the Examples folder (I think you are importing openvr_api.cs there, which conflicts with openvr_api.cs plugin in the standard SteamVR folder).

    For me it is fine now, as I don’t need the examples, but for other users this may be a problem.

    ****** Error message *****
    Assets\HTC.UnityPlugin\VRModule\Modules\SteamVRv2Module.cs(398,35): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from ‘Valve.VR.EVREventType [D:\Unity Projects – Tests\Vive Eyetracking Test\Assets\TobiiXR\Examples\Utilities\Controller\Plugins\openvr_api.cs(3263)]’ to ‘Valve.VR.EVREventType [D:\Unity Projects – Tests\Vive Eyetracking Test\Library\ScriptAssemblies\SteamVR.dll]’

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @joostbos, thanks for raising this. Indeed, the openvr_api.cs is a file we require for using the examples in the Tobii XR SDK. This file will conflict when importing things such as SteamVR or other libraries which depend on OpenVR, but it is safe to delete this file if you have another one in your project, assuming they are both the same version.

    Hopefully this clear up the situation, please do let us know if we can provide any further information. Best Wishes.

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