Home Forums Community Projects A modified VB.Net version of the C GazeAwareForms sample

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  • #7321
    Doug Livingstone

    A very simple version of the C GazeAwareForms written in VB.Net (Visual Studio 2017)

    Being a newbie to the Tobii and to GitHub here is my first attempt. See my sample program at https://github.com/MNDcommunicate/MyGazeForm

    This is not exotic, it does however work. I make use of the GazeAware behavior. In the weeks ahead I will have a go at the Activatable Behavior.

    Doug Livingstone
    Peter Laws

    I understand this is an old thread, however, it is a shame that Tobii hasn’t offered a native SDK for VB.NET….. I read that you can convert their C# examples to VB.NET, I did try the suggestions but it didn’t work for me due to not understanding C#.

    I am willing to pay someone to get their whole SDK to VB.NET (if possible).

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @palsyp, I’m not sure if you saw there was a similar thread from not so long ago where another user was able to manage the conversion to VB.Net.

    You can read this @ https://developer.tobii.com/community/forums/topic/vb-net/

    Indeed, the user in question has posted their code @ https://github.com/MNDcommunicate/MyGazeForm

    It might be worth getting in touch with the user as well who I’m sure would be quite happy to help you out. Best of luck and please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

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