Home Forums Legacy SDKs Any way to develop via nodejs?

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    Mike Rosik

    I’m looking for any information on developing a nodejs server that will work with the Tobii eyetracker. I noticed that the GazeSDK is no longer available to download. When trying to use “gazejs” library with node, I get errors saying that I need a .dll file from the GazeSDK (which is no longer available). Is there any other way to use the Tobii Eyetracker with NodeJS? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Mike @detroitdigitalgmail-com, Whilst the Gaze SDK has been deprecated we do not have a new low level API available @:

    This is a low level API so please only use it if you know why you are doing it. Very little support is going to be provided.

    I’m not sure if anyone has yes developed a gazejs library based upon it yet, but please check it out and perhaps another user
    has already started developing this feature.

    If you need higher level APIs for Unity, UE4, .NET, WPF, WinForms etc., please visit Downloads page.


    Hi Mostafa. Did you ever post a working example of your code on GitHub? We’re looking to come up with a similar solution utilising ReactJs and NodeJs.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @rockyhub, I’ll tag Mostafa for sure so hopefully you can get a response! ) @melhosseiny

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