Home Forums Feature Requests Calibration language interface

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  • #2259
    Jordi Exposito

    Hi all!

    The latest version of the EyeX Engine Api (1.1.0) given the option to launch calibration tools from my own application. My question is if there is any option to change the strings of the calibration interface to another language other than English?

    Example: Lean back, move closer…

    Best Regards


    Hi Jordi,
    there is no such option right now, but localization is an area we are looking into.

    Can I ask you what language(s) you’d be interested in supporting?

    Jordi Exposito

    Hi Anders,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I’ve been learning and testing the features of the SDK by designing an epub reader and my “beta testers” are older persons, but only speak Spanish and not English. Whenever I do tests with them I have to tell them how to sit in the best position. I only thought that if they start calibration without anyone who speaks English, can they have a problem to read the messages on the screen.

    It was only a question because I think it would be interesting to have this functionality in the future. Maybe other developers have asked about this issue.

    Best regards

    Robert [Tobii]

    Hola Jordi 🙂

    Thank you for describing your use case. We’ll consider it when deciding if/when to add multi-language support.

    Feliz año nuevo!



    I know this topic is a bit old but I’d like to know if there are some news about language adaptation for the calibration tool?

    The game I work on will be on public display in an amusement park in France at the beginning of 2016 and we need to have this calibration tool in french.
    Do you think this feature could be added before 2016 comes? Or is there an other way to calibrate Tobii EyeX without this calibration tool?

    Thanks for your help


    I am interested in brazilian portuguese. Some persons forget the details about calibration. Could be on default software.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi, We hope to have Calibration available in multiple languages in a forthcoming release of the Tobii EyeX Software by the end of 2016.


    I could translate it as voluntary (send me the files), or for symbolic price (at Fiverr, for example).

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Alexandre, as you saw on our latest update, we already have released latest EyeX Software with language support for English, French, German and Japanese. Thanks for your kind offer, I will relay it to produce management for their interest.

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