[Solved] Connect to / Activate "Eye Tracking Window"

Home Forums Software Development [Solved] Connect to / Activate "Eye Tracking Window"

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    on my application i wish to have something like (if not the actual) tracking window that is on the taskbar.

    in more details:
    i want to have a new window, with the moving eyes and their position (height, angle etc) in front of the screen.

    is there a way to get the same indicator as in the tray icon, but in a bigger external window.
    is it possible to connect to the already implemented feature and display it?
    or shall i create one of my own (with all the GUI and stuff) from the EyePostion/HeadPose/GazeData streams?

    thanks 🙂

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @tzaccai, I am afraid that the eye status indicator bundled in the Tobii Core Software does not have an API for using it in this fashion that you specify, accordingly you will need to develop something similar using the Core SDK Interaction API.
    Whilst the Tobii Core SDK does provide samples available @ https://github.com/Tobii/CoreSDK

    These are tailored toward interaction purposes not graphical representation of eye gaze data. That being said, with the Tobii Pro SDK there is indeed included a number of .NET samples that do show you the means to show visually gaze stream data available @ https://www.tobiipro.com/product-listing/tobii-pro-sdk/#Download (3D Eyes Sample)

    Please bear in mind, you will only be able to use these samples as a guide as the Pro SDK will not work with the 4C Tracker unless with a special licence. At any rate, I hope this information is of use to use.


    At any rate, I hope this information is of use to use.

    Ofcourse it is.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Great, please let us know if we can be of any further assistance 🙂

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