Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Eye Tracker Needs Calibration Every Day!


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    I just bought a new Alienware m15 r2 (fully loaded i9 4K version) laptop, was about $3800.00. The Tobii eye tracker software is really cool when it’s working but it keeps saying “needs action” down in the system tray. I click it and it says it needs to re calibrate, i click recalibrate and my eyes (our outlines of them) never show up, then it immediately says “working on it” then cancels out. No matter how much i try this it doesn’t work, now if i reboot and re calibrate it will work for about a day, then it dies again. Very annoying to say the least.
    Any ideas on what i can do to fix this?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @tommybayshore, sorry to hear about the issues you are facing.. certainly this is not typical behaviour and could possibly indicate an issue with the supplied hardware. Accordingly, we would recommend for a problem of this severity you get in touch with the manufacturer directly to see what services of repair they can provide.

    Aside from that, be sure that the firmware on both the eye tracker and laptop BIOS are fully up to date as well as the Tobii Eye Tracking Core Software.
    Please do let us know if repair is not an option and perhaps we can investigate further.


    This is the 2nd unit, the first one was DOA, if this is a hardware problem again im officially done with Alienware computers. How do i check the firmware/update status on the Tobii core software? The BIOS is up to date on the PC.


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @tommybayshore, you should be able to get all the latest drivers here @ https://www.dell.com/support/home/uk/en/ukdhs1/product-support/product/alienware-m15-r2-laptop/drivers

    Please ensure everything is fully updated (We created a new release last months) and let us know how you get on.

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