Home Forums XR Discussions Eye tracking data collection.

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  • #22147
    Haram Choi

    I am conducting research to obtain user’s eye information in virtual reality using eye tracking technology.

    Can you tell me what code I need to use to get the eye tracking data in the link below?

    I want to get data about total gaze time (GT) and number of times being focused as text. If you can’t extract the data, it’s okay to check it in Unity.

    And I’m using HTC’s Vive pro eye.
    Can I use the Vive pro eye on the Tobii Ocumen?
    Can I inquire about the license fee?

    Thank you for your quick reply.
    Sincerely yours, Haram

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @haramchoi, you can use the Tobii XR SDK freely with the HTC Vive pro eye for which we provide instructions @

    I’m afraid Ocumen does not support the HTV Vive Pro Eye, but you have the G20M module included with the XR SDK that should give you the dwell time, etc.

    Check out the included samples and let us know how you get on. Best Wishes.

    Haram Choi

    Thanks for the reply.

    I’ve used SRanipal, but I’m new to Tobii XR SDK. So, unfortunately, I am very ignorant about this part.

    May I know what function in G2OM library should be used to measure dwell, etc.?
    G2OM’s scripts include G2OM.cs / G2OM_ColliderDataProvider.cs / G2OM_Context.cs / G2OM_ObjectDistinguisher.cs / G2OM_ObjectFinger.cs.

    It would be appreciated if you could tell us which of these should you refer to to know indicators such as Fixation Duration (dwell).

    I will be looking forward your reply.
    Best regards, Haram.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @haramchoi, you could use code along the following lines to get dwell time:

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using Tobii.G2OM;
    public class HighlightAtGaze : MonoBehaviour , IGazeFocusable
        private float _totalGazeTime;
        private bool _hasFocus;
        public void GazeFocusChanged(bool hasFocus)
            _hasFocus = hasFocus;
            if (!hasFocus)
                Debug.LogWarning($"{gameObject.name} : {_totalGazeTime}");
        // Start is called before the first frame update
        void Start()
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            if (_hasFocus)
                    _totalGazeTime += Time.deltaTime;

    Let me know how it goes. Best Wishes.

    Haram Choi

    Thanks to you, I was able to implement the features I wanted and make my research go smoothly.

    I have one more question. GazeVisualizer seems to be a way to implement a gaze as a sprite using Raycast. Could you please explain the technical way the GazeVisualizer works?

    I thought that using Raycast, GazeVisualizer is created when the gaze hits an object with a Collider, but when I used it myself, I was able to confirm that the GazeVisualizer is created even when there is no object in front of it. I would appreciate it if you could let us know about this series of steps.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Haram, GazeVisualiser is simply an image sprite who location is tied to the Eye Tracking Gaze Ray… could you elaborate on the difficulties you are facing in implementing this?

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