Home Forums Software Development EyeX device with Artificial Eyes

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  • #2454
    Hoang-Phong Nguyen

    Hi all,

    I’d like to know the “eye tracking 3D position” accuracy of EyeX tracker.
    I bought two artificial eyes from Tobii Korea, which I expect best work for Eyex tracker.

    However, when I made a simple experiment like in the following picture (attach two eyes on a planar surface with 65mm separation), and held the eyes in front of the tracker at a optimal distance (~60cm).
    The tracker could not detect the artificial eyes (almost all time, it could not detect anything, sometimes it said I need to put it farther, it means the tracker detected wrongly). In the meanwhile, I tested with my real eyes at the similar distance, it worked very well.

    Does anyone have experience in this issue?
    Did you, the researchers in Tobii company, test the EyeX device with your artificial eyes? (I saw the artificial eyes test in tests report but without the detailed experiment setup description). What did you do in this case?
    Do I need to make a more controlled experiment and surrounding environment?

    I look forward to any help, please!
    Thank you very much!
    Best regards,

    Artificial Eyes setup test

    Peter Blixt

    Hi Hoang-Phong,

    The EyeX tracker distinguishes between eyes in a face and eye-like features. If you put the artificial eyes on an image of a face close to real size, then the eye-tracker will track the artificial eyes. The image does not have to be in color, a black and white image will do. You can use double sided sticky tape or glue to fixate the artificial eyes on the face image. Put the image on a piece of cardboard to make it sturdy.

    Hope this helps,

    Hoang-Phong Nguyen

    Thank you very much, Peter!

    I did as you suggested. Minor change is I plugged the artificial eye from the back side through the hole at the eye location of face image.

    Now it is working at least most of test time. The returned value is roughly reasonable.
    However, it is quite sensitive. It is easy to lose tracking when I move the face cardboard.
    I guess it is due to the 2D planar face image instead of 3D face as real human face. Is it right?

    I will do some experiment to measure “eye tracking 3D position” accuracy of EyeX tracker.

    Artificial Eye Test - Working

    Hoang-Phong Nguyen

    Can someone tell me how the EyeX tracker distinguishes between “eyes in a face” and “eye-like features”?
    I’ve already had the “well-made” artificial eyes I believe. I’d like to make an artificial face as close as a real one.
    I expect it will show a more stable tracking than the current one.

    Peter Blixt

    Nice picture. It looks very realistic. One problem with a 2D image is that you might get reflections back to the eye-tracker if the image is glossy and perpendicualar to the eye-tracker. You might try a matte image. The eye-tracker is trained to find eye features from a large set of eye tracking images. A 3D head with artifical eyes will be excellent, but you need to have eye-lashes, eye-brows, eye-lids etc to have stable tracking.

    Cheers, Peter


    I would like to know is there any other glass eye or fake eye products in the market, which is very suitable for Tobii eye tracker.

    , @breezy.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @priyanka, whist we not maintain a list of fake eye products, those which we use at Tobii are usually available to purchase to external customer so kindly get in touch directy with Tobii Pro Sales @ https://www.tobiipro.com/contact/sales/ who should be able to put you in touch with your local supplier, depending on your location.

    That being said, a cursory glance online reveals a number of similar products available but we cannot vouch officially as to their efficacy in eye tracking.

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