Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices EyeX, plug n play?

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    PM Wrenkler

    I am looking for a alternative to my ergonomic mouse witch isn’t that ergonomic after all. If i would to buy the PCeyeGo I´m sure that what I need is included in the software that is included in the box.. The eyeX is a developer kit witch can mean fantastic thing and also make stuff more complicated.
    If I plug n play in, what can I do from the start? Control my mouse in windows and in game, just like that?

    Thanks in advance!

    Robert [Tobii]


    You are right, the development kit gives you a lot of opportunities if you are a developer but not as much pre-packaged software as other product offerings. However, you will get access to a trial version of EyeX for Windows, which has some nice features to help you navigate your computer with less mouse movement required. Here is a demo video that explains some of the concepts:

    PM Wrenkler
    Robert [Tobii]


    That software (Tobii Gaze Interaction Software) is included in the PCEye product package, but not compatible with the EyeX Controller.

    Matt Chambers

    What’s with the price discrepancy between the PCEye and the EyeX? I’m looking to get eye-controlled mouse pointing for gaming, specifically Star Citizen which uses gimbal and turret mounted weapons to allow them to fire in a different direction than the ship is pointing. Does EyeX currently support simply moving the mouse to where I’m looking? It might have to hook into DirectX to override mouse input, kind of like Xfire/Steam-In-Game do with DirectX graphics. I assume something like that would be possible with the SDK if it’s not supported out of the box. I’m worried about accuracy/precision though.

    Robert [Tobii]

    The EyeX eye tracker uses less expensive hardware components and is also just a part of a development kit, which means that there are no products included (yet).

    An application that hooks into DirectX games to override mouse input would be nice. It is not supported out-of-the-box, but we expect that 3rd party developers could easily implement this kind of functionality using the EyeX SDK.

    Regarding the accuracy and precision of the EyeX Controller: it is not satisfactory yet, but the algorithms and firmware is still under development and we expect a number of improvements in upcoming software updates.

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