Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices EyeX Regularly Loosing Power For A Few Seconds

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  • #10902
    Grant Wilde

    I had this problem on my last PC but have just built a new PC with plenty of 3.0 (& 3.1) USB ports on the motherdrive but I’m still having this problem. I also have an ePCI USB 3.0 card and the problem is present there too. I tried a new 10pin USB 3.0 cable (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/273381520042) but again, it hasn’t fixed things.
    It works perfectly when it’s connected, but the disconnects are so frequent that it’s unusable. The longer my PC’s been on, the longer it seems to disconnect for.
    What is the issue? Is the system not allocating it enough power? Do I have a faulty unit?

    Grant Wilde

    Also, I’m unable to set up Windows Hello – the eyeX switches to the middle light and I get a message saying ‘Couldn’t turn camera on’ – I have the latest Windows Update installed

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @crimsonnight and sorry to hear about your connectivity issues. Certainly we provide a list of Support (and tested) USB3 Controllers for the EyeX @

    Could you kindly provide us the exact models you are using and I can check with the development team if there is anything that can be configured on your end to mitigate this disconnection issue.

    Also if possible, try connecting via a powered 3.0 game hub and please ensure the USB3 Drivers are the latest version.

    Thanks for your patience whilst we try to resolve the problem. I assume you are running the latest firmware on the EyeX and the latest Tobii Core Software versions?

    Grant Wilde

    Hi there, is this what you’re looking for?: https://i.imgur.com/CB30SAk.png
    This is my motherboard (ASUS PRIME B450-PLUS): https://www.asus.com/uk/Motherboards/PRIME-B450-PLUS/
    And I also have this installed (Yottamaster SuperSpeed 7 Ports USB 3.0 PCI-E Expansion Card): https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0719CFX9J/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    I am using the latest software and drivers.


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @crimsonnight, okay thanks for the additional information. I checked with the developers and this chipset is unfortunately not one that we have tested with the EyeX and as this hardware is now deprecated and replaced by the 4C, our best advice would be to try a powered USB3 hub if possible as this may mitigate the disconnection due to power loss. Also worth checking if the USB ports are set to turn off (or low power) when not in use, which is a setting configured within the BIOS of your system.

    Grant Wilde

    Hi again – I have checked my settings and there is nothing that should be interfering with power-draw. Is there any sort of upgrade path from the EyeX to the 4C as it seems to have depreciated pretty quickly? I’d prefer to go down that route as opposed to buying additional hardware.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @crimsonnight, sorry to hear regarding your experiences with this issue, it is one of the main reasons to change the USB methodology in the 4C to avoid this kind of problem for our users as USB chipset compatibility could not be assured across a wide variety of models.

    Apart from solving the USB3 Chipset issues, the 4C offers a range of other improvements which you can read about @ https://help.tobii.com/hc/en-us/articles/212814329-What-s-the-difference-between-Tobii-Eye-Tracker-4C-and-Tobii-EyeX-

    Our apologies for this inconvenience, we hope you consider upgrading your hardware and please kindly let us know if we can provide any further information.

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