Home Forums Legacy SDKs Feature request: port Gaze SDK to Node

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  • #3496
    Xuezhong Wang

    I’d like to suggest porting Gaze SDK into a Node module. Here are the main reasons of such an effort:
    1) it would make it possible to run eye tracking application in browser. Even without a browser, such a module can be readily used by node-webkit to develop cross-platform eye tracking apps with ease.
    2) there are tools that can port C APIs into JS module easily. E.g., emscripten, SWIG, Node c/c++ addon etc. The catch is, all these tools require the source code to be compiled together.

    There have been quite a lot projects using these tools, some of these are quite involved (e.g., node-qt). The fact that those projects were able to be successfully ported to js indicates that there is a good opportunity that Gaze SDK might be ported without much effort as well.

    Max Berkenstam

    there is a gazejs in node. i found it a bit tricky to get started , but I´m not that used to coding on windows so this might be old news for a windows developer.

    Here is my worklog for getting it to work on W8:

    – install choco from https://chocolatey.org
    run the following command to installs .net that is needed:
    choco dotnet3.5

    – install visualstudio: https://www.visualstudio.com
    – open visulastudio and start a new c++ project , visualstudio will then download some c++ stuff. thath bridjs needs
    – npm install –python=python2.7 gazejs


    I was able to stream gaze data to javascript via Node and C#/Edge.js https://warm-dawn-72382.herokuapp.com/note/how-to-stream-gaze-data-from-tobii-eyex-to-javascript-via-node

    But I do hope Tobii provides a Node/JS api at some point

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