Home Forums Game Integration First person movement troubles ue4

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  • #4989
    Angelo Fasolo

    Originally i planned to set the movement so when the player gets gaze at certain ‘Y’ axis the player moves forward, and change the InputAxisTurn so when player looks left or right it turns the camera however i failed to achieve this.

    Im currently now using a widget and so when the player looks at the forward button the player moves forward, likewise with directional buttons. I’m rather new to this and have only implemented smaller things like light switches etc

    Heres what i tried to do which is currently not working Blueprint of code i tried to use for widget button movement


    Angelo, hello!

    I think I understand what you want to do and I could help you set this up if you want, but if you wouldn’t mind telling me a bit about your project, I might be able to help you set up a better control scheme 🙂


    Angelo Fasolo

    Its for a dissertation piece in which im trying to evaluate whether changing control methods of a game would increase attention towards gaming mediums and get more people interested in gaming. This is just a mock up of a game as I don’t have artist capabilities so its a rough game.

    ive left the button approach as ive managed to achieve some small progress through the first person character class, this lets the player rotate left or right when looking left or right on the screen however this is done down the middle so even if the player looks at the centre the player will still turn. The “one punch/wan panch” are just tests to see if I could set paramaters so if the player looks at the centre of the screen the player doesn’t turn but it didn’t work.

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    Angelo Fasolo

    I have managed to get the left and right, forward and backward movement working when the user looks left/right/up/down on the screen however the final problem is setting up some parameters so that the player isnt constantly moving in a direction and turning constantly.

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    Stefan Lopez

    Hey Angelo I am also trying to get the camera to position itself based on Tobii eye input. Were you ever able to figure out the necessary parameters so that the camera isnt constantly moving?

    Stefan Lopez

    For what it’s worth I’ve noticed that getting the fixation point rather than the gaze point adds quite a bit of stability to the image, but it’s still a long ways from being perfect. Like you I am building this for academic purposes and so have limited Unreal Engine knowledge :/

    Stefan Lopez

    For anyone who sees this in the future I’ve figured it out, screenshots below.

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