Home Forums Software Development Gaze Recovery Time

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    I have a question regarding the X2-30 Compact Eye-Tracker.
    Currently, for Research purposes, I am trying to detect the PERCLOS value with the X2-30.
    I have the Problem, that when the eyes are closed for a longer period and opened again,
    the tracker needs changing amounts of time to detect the eyes again.

    In the specification sheet of the X2-30 it says “Gaze Recovery Time: (for blinks) immediate”!
    Does this mean for longer “blinks”, in literature they are referenced as droops, the Gaze Recovery Time
    is inconsistent?
    If so, it would be interesting to know what the average time is, and also why this happens.


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @foxlima, thanks for your query. The Tobii X2-30 is part of the Tobii Pro business department.

    This forum is principally intended for support with the Tobii EyeX and C4 Eye Tracker and associated SDK’s.

    Please get in touch with Tobii Pro Support department directly @ http://www.tobiipro.com/contact/contact-support/ for a firm answer to your query.

    That being said, The stated blink recovery time is only valid within the range of a few hundred milliseconds (~300 ms) as this is the typical blink duration for most users. Any duration above this value may indeed incur longer recovery times, but please check with Tobii Pro for a more definitive response.

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