Home Forums Unity SDK Get all items that could be on focus

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  • #20236

    Hello, I have made this scene in order to test which cube recieve the focus. If I look at the back cube, the raycast hits the front cube collider and the front cube receives focus, but the back cube no. Is there any way to get all the items the raycast collide with so I cant filter which one I am looking at?


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @moreno, thanks for getting in touch. Please specify exactly what Tobii Tracker and SDK Version and Bindings you are working with please. Thereafter, we will be best placed to help you out. Best Wishes.


    Oh yes, sorry. I am using the HTC VIVE PRO EYE hardware, SRanipal SDK and TObiiXRSDK

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @moreno, thanks for your patience whilst we investigated this matter. Unfortunately, there is not a straight forward way to look “through” all objects in a gaze direction. With regard to the Tobii G20M, this is not a raycast, but rather returns a list of objects in order of likeliness that the user is looking at them.
    Our current version does not support looking through transparent objects with the existing release, however we have logged your request for consideration in a future release. However, you can try to use Unity apis to get that raycast through (https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Physics.RaycastAll.html).


    Perfect, thanks!

    Grant [Tobii]

    Thanks for your understanding, do try it out and let us know how you get on. Best Wishes.

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