Home Forums Software Development Getting distance and fixation stability with ET5 ?

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    Hello everyone,
    I’m back with a new project with a newly acquired Tobii ET 5, I’m working on a serious game (c#) for dyslexic children and I want to interactively adapt the size of the stimulus with gaze distance and check for central fixation before presenting the stimuli. Two questions:
    1) since it is easier for me to get the Nuget Tobii pro library, and I am not recording any data, will it be possible to get eye distance and fixation data without a license?
    2) if not, is it possible with the stream engine library (I still have trouble including this library in my project, I am not a professional developer).
    Thanks for any information,

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @fmaillet, the only SDK that is provided for use with the Tobii ET5 is the Stream Engine API.

    You can download this API @ https://developer.tobii.com/software-downloads/

    So, to set up the C# Sample in .NET, please implement the following steps:

    1) Setup new VS Solution (Console App .NET Framework)
    2) Create a new folder called ‘tobii’ in the project directory
    3) Copy into the tobii folder the following directories from the Stream Engine ZIP; bindings, include, lib
    4) Within the VS Solution Explorer, make sure these directories are ‘included in project’ (You may need to select ‘view all files’ button)
    5) Paste into Program.cs the C# Sample Code found @ https://developer.tobii.com/product-integration/stream-engine/getting-started/
    6) Modify Program.cs, line 27: List urls;
    8) Modify Tobii.StreamEngine.Interop.cs, Line 23: public const string stream_engine_dll = “tobii\\lib\\tobii\\tobii_stream_engine”;
    9) Comment out Tobii.StreamEngine.Interop.cs, Lines 487 & 488
    //[DllImport(stream_engine_dll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = “tobii_calibration_stimulus_points_get”)]
    //public static extern tobii_error_t tobii_calibration_stimulus_points_get(IntPtr device, out tobii_calibration_stimulus_points_t stimulus_points);
    10) In VS Solution Explorer, find the tobii_stream_engine.dll and set copy to output directory as “Copy Always”
    11) Set Build Target to x64

    Try it out and let us know how you get on. Best Wishes.


    Hello Grant,
    Thank you very much for your detailed answer.
    I have already filled out the streaming engine API request form a few days ago. I don’t have any answer yet. But since I have an older version of this library, I was able to try your tuto.
    I managed to add all tobii folders to the project and the example code is now ok with the “using Tobii.StreamEngine” which is a big progress for me 🙂 and I applied all the changes you requested. I don’t have any error reported by VS, but the runtime fails with a System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load ‘tobii_stream_engine’ DLL raised by the tobii_api_create method. Anticipating your question, I double checked that the ‘tobii_stream_engine.dll’ file property is correctly set to ‘Copy always’.

    I guess my old library is causing the problem? Your tutorial can probably work with the latest streaming engine library?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Fred can you tell me the email address you used to register interest and I can follow up for you on the download request. Thanks


    yes, it’s [email protected]

    Grant [Tobii]

    Thanks Fred, I have raised this with the sales team who should get back to your promptly.


    Hi Grant,
    I finally get the last stream engine library and I’ve just finished to get the C# sample running fine ! I’m just so happy to see all gaze points running in the console window 😉
    Thanks for your help, I’m going now to adapt this to my project and get eyes distance from screen. Coming back to you if I get stuck,

    Grant [Tobii]

    Great! Glad to hear you got it all working 😀

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