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  • #339
    Thomas Sjöholm


    What I want to achieve is to get current eye position to a script on a camera. My problem is that i get the following error:

    DllNotFoundException: Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll
    Tobii.EyeX.Client.InteractionSystem..ctor (ILoggingModel loggingModel, IThreadingModel threadingModel)
    Tobii.EyeX.Client.InteractionSystem.Initialize (ILoggingModel loggingModel, IThreadingModel threadingModel)
    Tobii.EyeX.Client.InteractionSystem.Initialize ()
    Foo.Start () (at Assets/Scripts/Foo.cs:35)

    I have tried to import that the Client.dll both into Unity and into Visual Studios 2010 (my chosen text editor for unity scripts), but either I cannot chose it or I get the following error:

    A reference to ‘”path” + \Assets\Plugins\Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll’ could not be added. Please make sure that the file is accessible, and that it is a valid assembly or COM component.

    I have used a lot of code from the MinimalGazeDataStream project, only changed a few lines to make it to Unity and Eye Position instead of Gaze Point.

    Note that the Tobii.EyeX.Client.Net20.dll seems to work fine, but the Client.dll seems to be required and cannot be loaded…

    Robert [Tobii]

    Hi Thomas,

    When building your Unity game, you need to manually copy Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll from the Unity project directory to the directory where your game was just built, the same directory as the .exe file.

    We would like this file to be copied automatically, but have not found a way to do this. I hope this solves your problem.

    Thomas Sjöholm


    I did not understand that I had to have the …Client.dll in the projects root in order to try in the Unity Editor. Now it works! 🙂

    I will probably remember to copy it to the Build folder when I build as well after this day (first day of Eye Tracking in Unity).

    Now the creation of awesome stuff can begin!

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