Home Forums Legacy SDKs Getting wrong display area from Tobii Pro SDK

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    I am working with the Tobii Pro SDK, and i realized it was giving me the wrong display area.

    Display area from the monitor :

    screen = get_monitors()[0]
    self.screen_width = screen.width
    self.screen_height = screen.height
    print(f”Screen width: {self.screen_width}, Screen height: {self.screen_height}”)

    Display area from eye tracker :

    display_area = eyetracker.get_display_area();

    fprintf(‘BottomLeft: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n’,display_area.BottomLeft);
    fprintf(‘BottomRight: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n’,display_area.BottomLeft);
    fprintf(‘TopLeft: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n’,display_area.TopLeft);
    fprintf(‘TopRight: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n’,display_area.TopRight);
    fprintf(‘Height: %.2f\n’,display_area.Height);
    fprintf(‘Width: %.2f\n’,display_area.Width);

    The getmonitors() is giving me the correct values of my laptop – 1920 * 1200
    But when i get the display area from the eye tracker i am getting wrong values.

    here’s the output-

    Eyetracker connected successfully.
    Screen width: 1920, Screen height: 1200
    ADA Coordinates: {‘bottomLeft’: (-277.5, 8.118664741516113, -7.686825275421143), ‘bottomRight’: (277.5, 8.118664741516113, -7.686825275421143), ‘topLeft’: (-277.5, 334.0745544433594, 110.95140838623047), ‘topRight’: (277.5, 334.0745544433594, 110.95140838623047), ‘height’: 346.8750099353899, ‘width’: 555.0}
    Starting gaze data collection and visualization…”

    Can anyone help me with this issue

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