Home Forums Software Development Head pose via Stream API does not work

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  • #21077
    Raphael Menges


    I want to use the Tobii Stream Engine SDK to retrieve gaze data and head pose in real-time to implement hands-free interactions in my application. I use a Tobii 4C device for development (Tobii core software, Firmware 2.27.0-40146848). I have compiled the C/C++ example code from the official documentation, specifically the code as listed on pages 32 and 33. When printing the error values throughout the excecution, all seem to be zero (which should be fine) but the validity flags in the callback are also zero (which seems to be bad).

    Strangly, gaze data retrieval is working. Even more strangely, I remember an old project of mine with Tobii Core SDK to report about head pose a few month ago, but now it also fails to retrieve the head pose. Is my device somehow broken? If so, I find it strange that it still reports gaze data correctly.

    Thanks in advance for any hints!

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @unrealer2, thanks for getting in touch. This may be related to a recent issue with the Tobii Experience App.

    Please download the latest Beta version for the 4C at the link below


    And let us know if the issue persists. Best Wishes.

    Raphael Menges

    Hello @grant-rogers. Replacing the Tobii Core Software with the Tobii Experience Software actually solved the issue. My 4C device reports the head pose again! Thank you for the suggestion.

    Nevertheless, I find it strange that such functionality breaks in software that apparently was not changed or updated. Any idea why?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Glad to hear it Raphael! Yes sometimes unexpected things happen in software development, we will try to ensure this particular issue does not surface again!

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