Home Forums Software Development Head Tracking data


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  • #14215
    Jack O’Shea

    Hi Grant,

    Could you please PM me a copy of the program which graphically demonstrates the head tracking coordinate system?


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @osheajohn, please PM your email address and I will send across the sample. Best wishes.

    Xin Liao

    Hi, Does that mean the tracking head position refers to the center of the virtual screen(active display plane/ physical screen) after calibration and profiling? And head rotation refers to center of tobii device(track box device space/ ucs)?
    I also wish to know the coordinates used for LeftEye and RightEye position, gaze point position, at ucs or center of the physical screen, thanks!

    I have spent some time googling it, but no answer has been found.
    refering to:

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @tufeixp, could you kindly clarify for us which SDK (and eye tracker model) you are using please as this may determine which co-ordinate system is most appropriate? Thanks

    Xin Liao

    I’m using the consumer eye tracker 4c and it’s core & stream engine SDK, and about to try the 5th generation(Might it run faster face tracking since it has used neural networks algorithms?)


    Hi Grant, Can you please send me a copy of the program which graphically demonstrates the head tracking coordinate system?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @tufeixp, thanks for your patience whilst we investigated the issue. Certainly the 5th Generation contains significant performance enhancements so you should experience much smoother and faster tracking compared to previous models.

    With respect to the co-ordinate system, I can confirm that within the Tobii Stream Engine API, that the centre of the screen indeed is the origin point used for all reported coordinate variables.

    I appreciate our documentation could be more expansive on this topic and have made a request to include this information in future releases.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @alexhevc, thanks for your request, I have now sent the head position sample to your personal email address.

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