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  • #3405
    Bobby Lail

    This is the problem
    The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)

    There are no compatible drivers for this device.

    Eye Tracker and Software

    Eye tracker model: Not available
    Eye tracker serial number: Not available
    Firmware Version: Not available
    Tobii EyeX Controller Core Version: Not available

    Bobby Lail

    Well this is how I got the Tobii eyex controller to work.
    After thinking that it was my usb 3.0 drivers and ports and also windows drivers.
    And a few in stalls of the tobii software. I uninstalled all software for the device and took the setup.exe and unpacked it using WinRAR to a folder and clicked on each msi file and installed the files myself.
    BOOM!! what do ya know it works. So the problem is in the installer from Tobii not installing drivers for the Controller.



    thanks for reporting this to us.
    So far, we haven’t heard about this problem before, that’s as well why I asked you for more details in my emails.
    However, we will investigate this issue further.


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