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    I have a new project application with the 4C that must get head screen distance. I do have a pro license key, but it seems that pro SDK is lacking head position, am I right ? I wanted to switch back to the Interaction API, but can’t find any way to download it : it disapeared from Nuget and developper zone download links led to nowhere…
    any cues ?

    Hongbin Zou

    There it is:

    Getting Started


    Thanks for your quick reply, I was stuck at the “Introduction” page, where the “Get started” didn’t led to some usefull link.
    Byt he way, can you confirm that the pro SDK is lacking head position monitoring ? or am I missing something here too ?

    Hongbin Zou

    Sorry, but I don’t use the pro SDK, so I don’t know.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @fmaillet, yes for now the Interaction Library is only available on our Landing pages for which the link has been posted above. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    With regard to Head Tracking Data on the Pro SDK, I was unable to find that variable exposed (http://developer.tobiipro.com/net/dotnet-sdk-reference-guide.html) so I suspect not. However, it would be best to double-check with the Tobii Pro Support team about this @ http://www.tobiipro.com/contact/contact-support/

    Please let us know if we can provide any further assistance. Best Wishes.


    Thanks for your reply. I have contacted the pro Support. Meanwhile, as for the Interaction API, I used to build a project some time ago that was fully functionning, but I got the Interaction lib via Nuget at this time. With the zip lib files, I’m quite confused how to succeed in having it included in my project/solution… In fact, I’m not succeeding at all…
    Any cues or even a simple demo project to download I could learn from ?
    Kind Regards,

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @fmaillet, sorry for the inconvenience, you will have to add the DLL into the Lib directory of the visual studio project.

    For an explicit introduction you can follow the building tutorial @ https://tobiitech.github.io/interaction-library-docs/wpf/html/gettingstarted.html

    which shows how to build the samples included in the interaction library ZIP file. Please go through this and let us know how you get on. Best Wishes.

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