Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Internation Shipping

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    Mike Kasprzak


    The EyeX device costs $95. When you ship internationally, can you guys please NOT mark it as costing $300? UPS and FedEx just love to hit us Canadians with stupid import charges as things cross the border (USPS charges nothing). It cost me $54 to receive the EyeX, more than half what I paid for it.


    Robert [Tobii]

    Hi Mike,

    Thank you for letting us know. The moderators on this forum are not experts on international shipping, but we have forwarded the question to the logistics team.


    Yep! I agree… Dinged with rediculous extortion charges because you marked $300 on it.

    Ohh… And then I got a follow up letter from TobiiATI asking for another $106.

    Uh… You guys realize your website doesn’t at all say that the $95 is a down payment and the total is $300? Please tell me this is a clerical error.


    Hi everybody,
    this is an slightly complicated issue.
    When shipping, we do have to mention how much the value of this device is. Typically it can be easier to raise the value slightly.
    However, I can ensure you that the difference between a value of 200 & 300 USD is extremely small.

    Even if you bought the EyeX controller for a reduced price e.g. during CES, the value will still be the same. You will always need to pay the tax.

    Alexi about the invoices, this was a copy and no additional invoice!

    I hope this explains a bit, let me know if now.


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