Home Forums Software Development Is this inaccuracy normal?

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  • #1005
    cam drent

    Hey there….
    I’ve just received my eyex dev kit and have set it up on my 22 inch 1920×1080 tv monitor however after calibrating a few times the accuracy seems way off. I got a warning this resolution wasnt supported but having read the system requirements, its says that 1920×1080 is supported?

    I was wondering if this was something im doing wrong or something wrong with the hardware. I’d like to return it and exchange if it is but was wondering if anybody here had those issues and how they fixed it. I’m running windows 7 as well.

    thanks to any reply’s…..Cam


    Hi there,
    the error message “change to a recommended screen resolution” only pops up if actually you do not run a not supported resolution.
    So if you open the Windows screen resolution, it should say the same.

    So you can try to change the resolution, calibrate and then change back, that might work. However, how did you check the accuracy?

    If it’s in showcase or EyeX for Windows, it can also be due to the Dpi settings, so while you’re in the windows resolution settings, click on “Make text and other items larger or smaller” then click on “Let me choose one scaling level for all my displays” and change it to 100 %.


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