Home Forums Software Development Launching Tobii calibration directly


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  • #8568
    Chris Hoopes

    We’re creating a Unity application that needs to be run on a fairly locked-down computer where the standard Windows Explorer has been disabled. We also need to be able to launch the Tobii applications and prompt the user to calibrate when needed. Going over the documentation for the Unity SDK I see that launching the calibration tool directly isn’t supported but it is in the Core SDK. Do we need to switch over to a different SDK for that functionality?

    I also found this post saying to run “Tobii.EyeX.Configuration.exe –quick-calibration” but that doesn’t seem to do anything. When I go to recalibration from the system tray I see that it is the process that runs but running the application directly with or without the parameter flags doesn’t actually make the calibration prompt appear. Is there a new way to launch calibration so we can do so either from without our Unity game or through a custom shell script?

    Thanks for your help.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @yodzilla, please try running the quick calibration using the following syntax exactly, ensuring that double quotes and double hyphen are used

    “c:\Program Files (x86)\Tobii\Tobii EyeX Config\Tobii.EyeX.Configuration.exe” –quick-calibration

    If this still does not works for you, please let us know as going via the Core SDK would be rather more involved. Thanks.

    Chris Hoopes

    Hey Grant, thanks for the quick reply. I hadn’t realized that the forums formatted your double-quotes as an en-dash so that was the problem! The quick configuration is indeed working for me.

    Another question though, is there a list of flags or shotcuts like this for accessing the Tobii system tray software functionality?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @yodzilla, glad to hear you got it working! After checking with the development team, I am afraid for the time being the Tobii Core Software System Tray Icon does not have any supported flags, but I have created a feature request for future consideration.

    Hopefully this does not impede your project unduly, please let me know if we can be of any further assistance.

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