Home Forums Feature Requests Move Unity SDK demo code into a Tobii namespace

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  • #7225
    Chris Hoopes

    Currently there are classes that get pulled into a Unity project with names like InputManager that aren’t part of any sort of Tobii namespace. This sort of class naming is incredibly common and will conflict with other classes the developer might be using, for example the incredibly popular InControl for controller support. Switching Tobii’s demo classes to be in a namespace would be cleaner all around.

    Alex [Tobii]


    Tobii API classes are all under Tobii.Gaming namespace.
    Demo scripts are not under any namespace, but I think we might move them to a namespace in the next update.

    Initial reasoning for that was that many Unity programmers are not even familiar with namespaces and it would confuse them. But I can totally see the point. Thanks for feedback!

    Chris Hoopes

    Thanks! And yeah I know not all Unity devs understand namespaces but it’s a pretty standard C# concept and shouldn’t add any complexity, just avoids code collisions.

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