Home Forums Software Development .NET SDK with Tobii system on Alienware Area 51m

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    Hi, I’m a programmer, so I have decided, for simple curiosity, to test my Tobii integrated system using .NET SDK, I’m able to discover the device, but I’m not able to receive events.

    static void Main(string[] args)
    var trackers = EyeTrackingOperations.FindAllEyeTrackers();
    trackers[0].GazeDataReceived += Program_GazeDataReceived;
    trackers[0].HMDGazeDataReceived += Program_HMDGazeDataReceived;

    while (true)

    What I’m doing wrong?

    Best regards

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @gmgunderground, could you kindly specify exactly what Tobii Tracker you are using please and I will try to find the best solution for your product. Many thanks.


    Hi, this is what i can read from visual studio after device discovery

    Address {tobii-prp://is50a-100000017417/}
    DeviceCapabilities HasGazeData | CanDoScreenBasedCalibration
    DeviceName “IS5_Firefly”
    FirmwareVersion “1.51.0-c769d95”
    Model “IS5_Firefly”
    RuntimeVersion “”
    SerialNumber “IS50A-100000017417”

    Hongbin Zou

    You are using the Tobii Pro SDK, that may not work. See your PM for details.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @gmgunderground, please use the Tobii Interaction Library for use with this tracker.

    We have created a getting started guide with sample code and tutorials which you can read @

    Getting Started

    As you will see, C# bindings are available so you should not have much trouble to get up and running.
    Check it out and let us know how you get on, thanks.


    Hi, with your information, now I have started the 1st test application. I think I was using the wrong SDK. With the interaction library all is working correctly

    Grant [Tobii]

    Great! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch again should you need any further information. Best wishes.

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