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  • #19108

    Does it go against tobii’s terms to create a Python wrapper for the interaction/stream library?


    I have interest in this question as well specifically for open source projects. There is no intent to save analytical data or expand on the official SDK in any way. Simply to provide interactions for people with their computer enhancing computer input for those that have disabilities.


    Just to elaborate a little more on why we want to create a Python wrapper,

    We would like to add eye tracking to an open sourced project and be able to make use of the consumer grade eye trackers for interaction purposes. We are not saving or sending or analyzing any kind of eye tracking data, and it does not make sense for us to use the professional level eye trackers.

    To give an example of how we may use the eye tracking data in the project:
    1. Have the cursor snap to the current gaze position
    2. Perform OCR on the current gaze position

    We simply want to be able to make use of the tobii SDKs within the python environment as that is what the open-source project has been developed with. The project is not officially released as an application it is merely a collection of code on github used by developers to provide additional accessibility for their computers. So anyone making use of the project would’ve had to download the code from github and set up the project themselves.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @mattwilson720 @lexiconcode, thank you for getting in touch regarding this.

    Briefly, if you are simply using python code to process the gaze data as received directly from the Tobii Stream Engine (or Interaction Library) SDK and are not storing the gaze data or performing analysis then the getting started Tobii licence is appropriate for your needs.

    We do however not permit the creation of a Python ‘wrapper’ that creates an emulated API to extract gaze data as outlined in our Getting Started Licence:

    2.2 d) Your Software must not allow other software to access Eye Tracking Data that originates from the Licensed Software.

    Hopefully this clarifies our position for you, please do get in touch should you require any further information. Best Wishes.

    Luis Zugasti

    Hi @grant-rogers,

    I am following this issue. I apologise for adding more spam, but can you please ban kima (@markjson)

    Thank you

    Grant [Tobii]

    Sorry about the Spam Luis, hope you find this thread useful 🙂 Let us know if you have any specific questions

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