Home Forums Software Development Polling EyeX data instead of responding to events

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  • #3398
    Petar Kotevski

    Is it possible under the current C/C++ api to synchronously poll data from the EyeX instead of responding from events from the SDK?

    I would like to get the gazepoint and eye position during my input update loop and make sure that that’s the current state as best evaluated by the hardware. That would prevent unnecessary thread synchronization for access to the data where the EyeX handler would write to, and my application would read from when it needs the data.

    Should I be using GazeSDK? But I like calibration, connectivity and everything else to be handled by the EyeX software 🙂

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Petar,

    There is no API to synchronously poll data from a Tobii eye tracker using neither the EyeX SDK nor the Gaze SDK.

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