Home Forums Software Development Processing Library for Tobii 4C

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    Can someone please indicate me where I can find the Processing 3 libray for the Tobii 4C?
    There was GazeTrack in the past: Eye-tracking for Processing (Tobii EyeX and 4C) but the link throws up a 404. Cannot reach the author neither. If there is an alternative I am happy to know it also.
    Thanks in advance, Johan

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @johanb, thanks for your query. I’m sorry I cannot find a reference to ‘processing 3 library’, do you have the link you were using?
    If you could kindly clarify your project intentions, I will try to find a suitable replacement (or possibly a stored backup elsewhere) software for your project purpose. Best Wishes.


    Thanks for your kind reply. I am familiar with the Processing programming language. The advantage is that it’s Java based and the compiled version can be targeted to different platforms.

    Each year at the science day we demonstrate technologies and this year I wanted to show something about contactless interacting with a computer (last year I showed a leap sensor to the audience).
    I had something in mind like a switch that can be toggled by staring at it. And a real lightbulb that switches on and off.

    There *was* a library available: https://github.com/AugustoEst/gazetrack
    Last year I bought a Tobii 4C, this year I started building a computer and now I wanted concentrating on the software but realised the library was off-line…

    I could run the demo… but that is not same…

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @johanb, thanks for the clarification. In fact, this software is not produced by Tobii so I am afraid you should reach out to the developer directly regarding the installer file. Apologies and best of luck with your search.

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